
The Shire of Cunderdin referred my advisory services to a company proposing a multi-million dollar confidential project at the State heritage registered Cunderdin Airfield. Laura conferred with the proponents on several occasions during which time they put considerable expertise into amending their plans to accommodate her advice and a heritage impact statement resulting in the subsequent endorsement by the State Heritage Office (SHO) in their support for the proposal. The SHO further acknowledged my efforts:” The committee would like to commend the applicant on its being respectful of the cultural significance of the place and the quality of the report submitted.”


During the process of preparing an inventory of heritage places for the Shire of Kulin, community consultation with various towns and settlements throughout the shire was pivotal to understanding and empowering the communities to further understand the significance of their everyday lives and the places associated with that endeavour. The people of Pingaring organised a night at their hall for me to engage with the community. The event was overwhelmingly successful, amidst shared memories, stories, much laughter, and delicious food, the richness of their history was further realised and celebrated.
“Laura’s passion and enthusiasm for the people and heritage of all things Pingaring was celebrated, applauded and the catalyst to subsequent writings by various community members documenting their reminisces of their lives in Pingaring.” Ida Byass, Farmer, Pingaring


City of Subiaco’s inaugural Design Review Panel: (2012-2017) “Your role on the this panel has been greatly appreciated. Your experience, knowledge and professionalism have meant that cultural heritage matters have been afforded the high degree of recognition and respect necessary for Subiaco’s heritage. Your active participation and commitment to the Panel has contributed significantly to the effectiveness of the Panel in achieving high quality design outcomes; of which the community and future generations will be grateful.” Kathy Bonus, Director Development Services